Wednesday, 23 March 2011

"You have lost your connection to the EA servers..."

So, I'm playing on my 360, which I do far too much at the moment. I've really got into Fifa 11 Ultimate Team; it's like Pokemon card training game, but without the Pokemon. Pretty sick actually. It's so good in fact, that thousands and thousands of people like myself also log on to play at the same time. This shouldn't be a problem, right? You need people to play against after all... Read on =/

Now, if I worked at EA, and  had a good idea of projected sales, I think I could guess how many people might want to use an exciting, new feature (I know it was in Fifa 10; it still applies) such as Ultimate Team, at any one time. I would therefore know how many players my servers would have to hold. Clearly they're either stupid, or just don't care after you've given them your hard earned cash, since I get kicked out literally every 5 minutes. It doesn't matter if I'm mid-game, or not, I just get the message "You have lost your connection to the EA servers..."

At over £40, it's not even like the game is cheap, so one might expect a little maintenance and maybe even a little common sense to prevent such a simple issue from a company that is so dominant in the sports sector of the video game market. Even in the recent update, they did nothing to address the issue, hardly mentioning it at all. I really wouldn't mind if it was only once or twice a session, but when it's happening so bloody often, my DNF drops massively and I get less than 300 per game, even when I win by miles.

Siiiigh, sorry about the rant. Maybe I'm overreacting. Let me know :)


  1. That would drive me nuts. Luckily I've never encountered such disconnects or hang ups connecting to EA servers. :) Nice blog - followed.

  2. This happens sometimes on BC2 on PC D:

  3. corporations are always trying to take the shortcut

  4. i would rage hard if this happened to me

  5. this happens somewhat often for me when I play Madden

  6. EA servers are the worst, frequent disconnections and games get their servers closed when they're only a few years old.

  7. If your in to gaming, you should try Steam, they have tons of games there.

  8. EA has really unreliable servers for how big of a company they are and how much money they have. At least they dont really do the whole peer hosting thing like some games.

  9. I stopped having sympathy for you after the word "360" lol

  10. yeah me and my brother have the same problems when we play EA games, they have dicktrash servers for how much friggin money they make.....whatever theyll lose all there customers because of it

  11. this would make me rage, following!

  12. They just don't care... which makes me sad because they have good content so I choose not to boycott

  13. It happens to me in Battlefield...

  14. EA needs to get their crap together....

  15. I hate it when that happens. Especially in Black Ops when you have a good K/D ratio going too.

  16. It has happened to me too, all I can say is it will continue to happen.
